An informational forum for coaches, parents, and athletes

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fueling Up In The Morning

I did a talk over the weekend to a youth baseball team.  There were 40 boys ages 13-15 in attendance.  The first question I asked them was how many of them had breakfast this morning.  Only THREE of FORTY kids raised their hands!  I could not beleive it!  I find that more and more of our young athletes are not fueling up properly or not fueling at all.  How can an athlete perform at an adequate level if they are not eating properly and missing meals?  When I found out that only three kids ate breakfast I almost walked out on them. They don't need me there.  What is the point of working out if you have no fuel.  Not fueling up properly affects an athlete's performance on the field and in the classroom.  It also affect moods.  Proper nutrition is 80% of the workout plan.  20% is the workout itself.  So if you are not eating right and missing meals then there is really no point in training.  Nutrients and quality calories are essential in a good training program. 

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