An informational forum for coaches, parents, and athletes

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

FLSP Athletes Making Courant's Fab 15

For the second week in a row FLSP athletes have made the Hartford Courant's Fab 15 list.
Congratulations to the following FLSP athletes for their performance last week.

Wilfredo Alicea     SMSA QB - 8-12 passing 139 yards 199 yards rushing 2TDS
Stephen Barmore  Southington QB - 18-25 passing 304 yards 5TDS
Christian Flynn      NW Catholic QB(2nd week in a row) 238 yards passing 2TDS 1Rush TD
Jalen Ollie             Glasonbury QB- 25-40 passing 221 yards 4TDS

Great job guys!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Speed and Agility class coming up! 2 weeks!

  Speed and Agility Classes

Gino Caro of Fast Lane Sports Performance will be conducting speed and agility classes for the fall season.  Gino is a USA certified speed coach and a certified sports performance specialist by the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  Gino has worked with over 3,000 Connecticut and New England athletes.  His customized programs have helped several athletes reach the collegiate and professional level.  Gino currently has athletes in the MLB, NFL, and the NBA. 

What:  Speed and Agility Classes for ages 8 to 18.  Classes will feature the following:

a.       Correct running technique
b.      Dynamic warm up for speed and strength
c.       1st quickness
d.      Improve acceleration
e.       Correct athletic position for lateral movement
f.       Core development
g.      Flexibility
h.      Reaction Time
i.        Nutrition for sports performance

When:   Three Week Fall Class sessions: Beginning October 7th  and Ending on October 23rd     
               Mondays and Wednesdays      
-          Mondays       7-8pm               Fee = $75.00 (3 Sessions)
-          Wednesdays  7-8pm               Fee = $75.00 (3 Sessions)
*If you take both classes cost is $150.00 for all 6 sessions.

Where:             Ct. Elite Baseball Academy ( )
               836 Hopmeadow Street
               Simsbury, Ct.

“Gino and Fast Lane Sports Performance have given me the opportunity to take my game to the next level.  His knowledge and commitment for training allowed me to reach my fullest potential as an athlete.”
-  Tom Bourdon, Boston College centerfielder

Registration:   To reserve a spot call Gino Caro at 860-798-0420 or email at
Registration and payment will be held at the beginning of the first day of class. Any questions or request for further information feel free to call or email Gino.
Fast Lane Sports Performance, LLC          

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

John Wooden Quote

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because you character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."  -John Wooden Legendary UCLA Basketball coach

Monday, September 9, 2013

Quote of the Day

"Individual commitment to a group effort-that is what makes a team work, a company work, a civilization work."

Friday, September 6, 2013

Speed and Agility Classes This Fall

        Speed and Agility Classes

Gino Caro of Fast Lane Sports Performance will be conducting speed and agility classes for the fall season.  Gino is a USA certified speed coach and a certified sports performance specialist by the National Academy of Sports Medicine.  Gino has worked with over 3,000 Connecticut and New England athletes.  His customized programs have helped several athletes reach the collegiate and professional level.  Gino currently has athletes in the MLB, NFL, and the NBA. 

What:  Speed and Agility Classes for ages 8 to 18.  Classes will feature the following:

a.       Correct running technique
b.      Dynamic warm up for speed and strength
c.       1st quickness
d.      Improve acceleration
e.       Correct athletic position for lateral movement
f.       Core development
g.      Flexibility
h.      Reaction Time
i.        Nutrition for sports performance
In these classes athletes will work on increasing their speed and agility performance by utilizing measurable techniques to show improvements by the end of the session. 

When:   Six Week Fall Class sessions - October 7th-November 13th - Mondays and Wednesdays     7-8pm
-          Mondays       7-8pm               Fee = $150.00 (6 Sessions)
-          Wednesdays  7-8pm               Fee + $150.00 (6 Sessions)
“If you take both classes cost is $285.00 for all 12 sessions.”

Where:             Ct. Elite Baseball Academy ( )
               836 Hopmeadow Street
               Simsbury, Ct.
“Gino and Fast Lane Sports Performance have given me the opportunity to take my game to the next level.  His knowledge and commitment for training allowed me to reach my fullest potential as an athlete.”
-  Tom Bourdon, Boston College centerfielder

Registration:   To reserve a spot call Gino Caro at 860-798-0420 or email at
Registration and payment will be held at the beginning of the first day of class. Any questions or request for further information feel free to call or email Gino.
Fast Lane Sports Performance, LLC          

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Now matter how talented you are. Your talent is going to fail you if you are not skilled.  If you don't study, work hard, and dedicate yourself to be better every single day you will never realize your true potential.....and that would be a shame.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Fall Training

Fall Speed and Agility Sessions start tomorrow!!!
Winter Sport and Spring Sport Athletes must email me or call me to reserve sports and hurry because they are filling up fast. or 860-798-0420.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lombardi: On Sacrifice/Success

Hello Everyone,
Every once in a while I like to share with you all Vince Lombardi's philosophy on life and sports and how they both relate.  I feel that all of us athletes, parents, and coaches can really learn how Lombardi influenced so many people, especially his players.  He's is a true leader and remains legendary in our American history.  Here is his philosophy on success/sacrifice.


"Football is a great deal like life in that it teaches work, sacrifice, perseverance, competitive drive, selflessness and respect for authority is the price that each and every one of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.  To achieve success, whatever the job we have, we must pay a price.
Success is like anything worthwhile.  It has a price.  You have to pay the price to win and you have to pay the price to get to the point where success is possible.  Most important you must pay the price to stay there.
Once you agree upon the price you and your family must pay for success, it enables you to ignore the minor hurts, the opponents pressure, and the temporary failures.  A person can be as great as he/she wants to be.  If you believe in yourself and have the courage, determination, the dedication, the competitive drive, and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done."