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Monday, November 22, 2010

Shin Splints

As the winter sports for high school and college are upon us one of the most common injuries for winter sport athletes such as runners and basketball players is shin splints. Shin splints is caused by very small tears in the leg muscles at their point of attachment to the shin.  There are two types of shin splints:

1. Anterior shin splints - Occur in the front portion of the shin

2. Posterior shin splints - Occur on the inside (medial) part of the leg along the tibia.

Anterior shin splints are due to muscle imbalances, insufficient shock absorption or toe running.  Excessive pronation contributes to both anterior and posterior shin splints. 


The pain may begin as dull aching sensation after running.  The aching may become more intense, even during walking, if ignored.  Tender areas are often felt as one or more small bumps along either side of the shin bone. 

Causes of Injury

1. Tightness in the posterior muscles, which propel the body forward, places additional strain on the muscles in the front part of the lower leg, which work to lift the foot upward and also prepare the foot to strike the running surface. 

2. Hard surface running (school hallways, basketball gyms), or worn or improper shoes increases the stress on the anterior leg muscles.  Softer surfaces and shoe cushioning materials absorb more shock and less is transferred to the shins. 

3. The muscles of the foot and leg overwork in an attempt to stabilize the pronated foot and the repeated stress can cause the muscles to tear where they attach to the tibia. 

4. Rapid increase in training for speed and distance (very common in indoor track training). 

Short Term Treatment

1. Ice immediately after running, never before. 

2. Reduce mileage and intensity for 7 to 10 days; never run through pain!

3. Avoid hills and hard running surfaces

4. Assess foot strike and identify any pronation.  If so, seek correction maybe orthodics or inserts.

5. Gentle stretching of the posterior leg and thigh muscles. 

Self-enforced treatment of shin splints, as with most overuse injuries is successful in most cases. 

Long- Term Treatment

Persistent problems may warrant a visit to a sports-medicine specialist who may prescribe the following treatments:

1. Strengthening and flexibility programs to correct muscle imbalance.  These exercise should be done only in absence of pain. 

2. Orthodic devices.

3. Anti- inflammatory medications.

4. Physical therapy involving ice massage, ultra-sound, and electrostimuli to reduce pain and inflammation

The best means of prevention of serious athletic injuries is to maintain good muscle strength and flexibility. 

All athletes need to be aware of the first symptoms of shin splints.  Instead of trying to work through them just make sure you ice, stretch, and seek professional advice for any further treatment of the injury.  If an athlete decides to ignore the symptoms if could result to severe shin splints and it can end up being a season ending injury. 


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