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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tempo Endurance Phase 1

This aerobic workout will pay great dividends for 400 meter sprinters.  Not only will it help them to increase their oxygen uptake, which will help to shorten their recovery time, but it will aid them in being able to accomplish more and longer workouts.  This workout, since the runs are done at a slower pace, will help the sprinter learn rhythm; and as the workout suggests, tempo.  Another vital byproduct of this workout is that it will also help to train the body to increase production of phosphate, which is a primary energy source.  The emphasis in the workout should be on quantity and not on quality as is true in the aforementioned speed endurance workouts.  The rest factor is generally kept short-usually 2 to 3 minutes.

Examples of Tempo Endurance Workouts 

a. 8x200m                                2 minutes rest
b. 6x300m                                2 minutes rest
c. 50-100-150-200-300-350  Walk same distance for rest

"There is no shape like track shape." -FLSP

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Speed Endurance Phase 1

This week I am going to write about three different types of early season workouts (late summer fall) for 400 meter training.  Remember the key to training for any distance is understanding the energy system used for the particular event and understanding the phases of the workout plan.  Phase 1 which is early season can focus on speed endurance, tempo endurance, strength endurance, and strength training. As you can see everything in this phase has to do with endurance.  Today I will cover Speed Endurance.    This is sprinting where the sprinter incurs a high oxygen debt, and there is a definite lactic acid buildup.  This workout is vital to good 400 meter running.  Distances that are run can vary from 100 to 600 meters.  Number of repetitions are figured by multiplying the race distance 2 1/2 times; In this case this would be about 1000 meters.  The recovery period will usually be around 5-10 minutes.  This is to give the runner almost full recovery so that there will be quality in the sprints.  This workout is designed to help the lactic acid energy systems.

Examples of Speed Endurance Workouts   

A. 10 x 100m with a 5 minute rest
B.   6x150m with a 5-8 minute rest
C.   5x200m with a 5-10 minute rest
D.   4x300m with a 8-10 minute rest
E.    3x350m with a 8-10 minute rest
F.    2x 450m with a 10 minute rest