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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Planning For Team Sports

Team Sports players need to continually develop technical skills.  They also need to devote quality time to speed and endurance development.  Coaches need to design the best program for the athletes which is the most balanced compromise.  The following ideas may help. 

1. Work on Speed development once a week for most of the year.  Do it in small volumes over a distance that allows high quality.  A good example is doing a series of 30m sprints.  Or flying 15m sprints.

2.  Players speed can improve the most from working on improving the power of their stride.  This can be developed to a great degree over a long period of time using strength training techniques particularly weight training. 

3. Uphill bounding is a great way to improve power needed for acceleration.  Do maybe 10x40m with 20m bounding the 20m running once a week for 12 weeks and measure the effects on first movement 30m times. 

4. Do a mixed warmup and then max speed sprinting at the start of training before any fatique is apparent.  Just 3x30m sprints at max speed is enough to help develop more speed. 

5. For fitness do relaxed tempo 60m runs with exercises just before each run.  Maybe do 4 sets of 4x60m with 1 min rest after each rep before starting the exercises and 3 min between sets.  Choose exercises that fatique the mid-torso, hips, and glutes. 

6. In team sports there is a great need for repeated sprint ability so train this way.  Do lots of short sprints even if they are not at max speed. 

7. Training primarily for speed endurance may improve 100m sprint performance but will inhibit the development of max speed. 

8. The best time to do mid-torso training, heels/toes, sanpit bounces and hip mobility drills is at the end of the session. 

9.  All team sport games that involve jumping should include small regulat amounts of plyometric training in their sessions and also be implementing strength training methods that target the development of eccentric strength,  Jumping without preparation is inviting injury.