Fast Lane Sports Performance
Summer Youth Distance Running Clinic
Grades 5-9
5 Monday nights 6:30-7:30 Beginning July 11, 2001(July 18th, 25th August 1st, and 8th)
At Glastonbury High School Track
Running Clinic will feature two of the top high school runners in the State from Glastonbury High School:
Lindsay Crevoiserat (3 time National Champion) Attending UConn in the fall
Reid Watson (2 time all-state and All-New England)
Clinic will cover:
-Dynamic warm-up for runners
-Proper running technique
-Running Drills to enhance running mechanics
-Course runs with Lindsay and Reid
-Sports Nutrition
-Training for speed (learn to get faster!)
-core training
Cost - $125.00 includes a Free FLSP T Shirt
Please register by June 30, 2011
Any questions about the clinic please call 860-798-0420 (Gino Caro)
Payments will be accepted at the first session. Waiver forms will be available also at the first session